You know what bothers me?
Well, lots of things actually. Have you ever asked someone how to spell a word and they respond by saying the word veeerrryyy slooowllly.
I'll tell you what bothers me. THE RAINBOW WHEEL! It's probably the first thing you noticed when you clicked on this post. If you clenched your fists, experienced accelerated heart rates, tried to punch your little brother, signed off before you could even read this sentence, or simply started to weep... don't worry. Those reactions are normal. There are few images capable of invoking such rage on sight.
I hate you, rainbow wheel.
Well, lots of things actually. Have you ever asked someone how to spell a word and they respond by saying the word veeerrryyy slooowllly.
I'll tell you what bothers me. THE RAINBOW WHEEL! It's probably the first thing you noticed when you clicked on this post. If you clenched your fists, experienced accelerated heart rates, tried to punch your little brother, signed off before you could even read this sentence, or simply started to weep... don't worry. Those reactions are normal. There are few images capable of invoking such rage on sight.
I hate you, rainbow wheel.

Let me tell you why the rainbow wheel is so frustrating. He made several grand appearances on my screen yesterday so I had what felt like hours to think about this... He's frustrating because he is supposed to represent the computer "thinking" but you never actually know if it's really thinking about anything. (Like a man...hehe)
Oh hey! I know you just wanted to go back a page. I know you just wanted to download one file. I know you just wanted to delete a sentence or two. Let me think about it... but actually I'm really not doing anything, because the other fifty million times you asked me to do this I did it without hesitation. Bwaa ha ha! I can do this because I'm the rainbow wheel.
So then, you get angry. You know he just showed up to make you think the computer was doing something. So you do the inevitable. You start clicking on stuff. It never works. And then, COME ON! Now he's going to make you wait even longer because while he was trying to take his little rest you insisted on irritating him. And you will never know if the reason he "thought" so long was because of your original click or the fifty thousand clicks that followed. And I will never know if the reason it takes so long for him to realize he has outstayed his welcome is because of the first click or the fifty thousand clicks because I don't have the self-control to not click and then compare the times.
Have you ever just straight up shut your computer down the moment you saw him? I have. Because I know. I know if I don't take action immediately, he wins.
Am I taking this too personally?
He started it.
This is so true!! I hate that little death wheel.