Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I learned something about blogging this week. 
If you want to sound really smart, begin your blog with a quote. 

The beautiful thing about this tactic is you don't even have to be smart enough to say anything worthwhile yourself! You just have to be smart enough to type "quotes about ------" into google. Bam! Instant genius in the eyes of the public. 

I just had a difficult time spelling the word "genius". 

I think the reason this makes me seem so smart is because it makes everybody think I read. I think the fact I really, really want to be a person who reads should count for something. I seriously wish I read more then I do. But here's the thing, when you throw a quote into a conversation... the person listening won't say, "Um, you read that whole thing?" because unless it was in somebody's facebook status that week, they haven't read it either! So they don't dare question you. I think the point I'm trying to make is this - If you don't read, have dumb friends. Also, don't post on your blog the reason you wanted to start your post with a quote is because you wanted to make everyone think you were a smart reader. This makes you as dumb as your friends. 

Today's topic is MONEY. Mon-aaay! Green. Pap-ers. So I went to google to find a brilliant quote. And I found many. 

"Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one."
-Ben Franklin

"Money often costs too much."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 

"Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money." 
-Someone Hilarious 

"Don't tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I'll tell you what they are."
-James W. Frick 

And my personal favorite... 

"I never completed high school and I am very rich and very successful." 


So I'm going on two missions trips this summer... in case ya haven't heard. Thats right, you know where this is going... 

Readers, you know I'll keep you in the loop about everything! Here is a copy of my check list for this summer:

Willingness - Check 
Passport - Check 
Courage - _____(working on it)
Walking shoes - Check
$5000 - _____ 

Yeah, what was that last one?? 

Ok, here is the good news! As of yesterday, I am $5 past the $2000 mark! Yeah-ya! According to my math, that is 32.6% of what I need! Which is why I decided to stop trying to do math... and simply tell you that I only need $2995 more by July.  
(Don't judge me. I'm busy with my reading.)

I am really encouraged by how well the fund raising has gone so far. People have shocked me into tears multiple times with their generosity. It's hard to ask people for money, especially when I feel overwhelmed about going. When someone gives, it truly makes them a part of this trip... which to me, makes the stakes higher. But my heart has been so touched by people's faith, both in God and in me. 

Yes, it's a big number. But I serve a big God. 

I have prayed and asked God for some heavenly perspective on this and I know I'm not waiting for your money to come through, I'm waiting on God's provision which occurs in His perfect timing. But you know, for my sanity, now seems like a great time to give! 

In all seriousness, it would truly mean a lot to me if you would commit to some time in prayer about supporting me this summer. 

You can give online (which is super easy) at... 
Just search for "Hannah McDowell" and follow the steps. My number starts with 55, just click on "give a gift". All donations are tax deductible and can be cashed in directly for heavenly blessings. 

Or if you would like to write a check or give a cash donation, just leave a comment on this post with your e-mail and I will send you all the information you need to make that happen. 

I will keep you updated on how God is providing, it's going to be amazing to watch it happen! 

I'm not sure if ending on a quote makes me sound quite as smart as beginning with a quote (or at least attempting to begin considering I felt the need to ramble on before I actually posted one), but just in case it does... Let's end on this: 

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. 

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