Sunday, February 6, 2011


Sorry its been so long between postings. My brain has taken a vacation. I'm not sure if it will ever be back. I just feel uninspired lately. Don't misunderstand me! Life is good. Great, actually. I just haven't had that spark of an idea that leads into a worthy blog for a while. Im boring myself, I think I will just type for a while and see what happens. Yeah... thats a good idea.

It's Sunday! It happens to be the most beautiful day of the year so far. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and there is a slight breeze weaving in and out of the trees. Its a flip-flop and frozen yogurt day. Its a day that practically begs to you to fly a kite or ride a bike.

Were all inside watching the Super bowl.

To be painfully honest, I didn't even know who was playing until this morning. And even though I'm in a room full of people, I am still not one hundred percent certain who I'm cheering for to win. (I admit I'm a shameless "bandwagoner") Usually I can tell who "I" want to win after a few minutes of watching the game because of the general attitude in the room but I'm finding it difficult to tell the difference between a joyful shout and a dismayed groan today because... the men in the room have such manly voices... yes, some of them are reading over my shoulder.

I think I'm cheering for the white team (I originally said the green team but then Eddie told me there was no green team. I'm not sure how I made that mistake)... again, lets be honest... I'm distracted by the tight pants. Are those even comfortable to wear? Oh, apparently yes. Eddie just assured me they were. Maybe he just likes to wear them.
Its possible.
Who is Eddie? Good question. I don't have much else to do at the moment so I can explain. Picture the incredible hulk and charlie brown combined. I think that description speaks for itself. Well, of course it does. I used words.

The first time I met Eddie, I put my life in his hands. We were rock climbing. Oh my! Sorry, I was distracted by a slow motion shot of the pants... I mean, player! Anyways, I was the poor, dumb one at the top of the rope and he was the solid, smart one at the bottom of the rope. He pinky promised me I wouldn't die and considering those promises are unbreakable I made my best attempt to reach the top of the wall. Later he assured me I did fine. I think he was lying considering I started weeping halfway to the top. I did have a good time though...

Super bowl commercials are the best. The one with the little kid dressed like Darth Vader is the winner so far.

What do you have to do to become a football announcer? Do you think that guy actually talks like that in real life? Could you imagine going to dinner with that guy? Could you imagine going to a drive through with that guy? Good grief. Eddie thinks it'd be awesome. Can Eddie's opinion be trusted? He does like wearing super stretchy pants. 

Eddie has decided to stop talking until I decide to post this.


  1. Go Eddie! He must be quite the awesome fellow. He's a great Ultimate Frisbee player and an excellent work out partner. He basically is the Incredible Hulk. That Josh L guy you mentioned awhile back must not have been that bad. LOL. The Black Eyed Peas are performing at the Half Time Show and it IS pretty bad. That one guy has a suit with lights that keep flashing... That commercial with the little kid as Darth Vader was awesome.

  2. Eddie is the man. BEP were terrible. The team I hoped would win, lost.
